
As an ever present industry that offers many business opportunities and still continues to grow with many changes, and innovations. With our elaborate network, knowledge, and experience, TRANSFER can support you in your international expansion in this sector by in depth market analysis, partner selection, client identification and closing deals.

Our experience

Over the years, the local offices of TRANSFER have assisted companies in getting in touch and to close deals in Europe and the Americas, with the main areas of business being:

  • Large Growers
  • Farmers
  • Food Producers
  • Investors
  • Research Institutes
  • Project Developers
  • Consultants
  • Governmental Bodies (national, regional and local)

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Rethinking Agriculture: Trends in the Americas and Europe

Agriculture, a dynamic sector blending tradition with innovation, plays a crucial role in sustaining human life and driving economic prosperity. From providing essential raw materials to fostering economic development, agriculture remains integral to any economy. Despite its declining share in total GDP, the industry faces formidable challenges such as pandemic-related disruptions, extreme weather events, and increased hunger. As we strive for healthy, sustainable, and inclusive food systems, agricultural development emerges as a potent tool to combat poverty, promote shared prosperity, and feed a growing global population. In this context, exploring key trends becomes imperative to address the evolving landscape of this vital industry.

Belgium growing towards a sustainable agricultural future

In order for society to thrive, it is essential that agriculture starts shifting to a more sustainable future. Especially as it provides for basic requirements and serves as the cornerstone of wellbeing and wealth. According to SALV (The Flemish Strategic Advisory Council for Agriculture and Fisheries), the sector is a crucial component of the Belgian agri-food system and a key component of the food industry in Flanders. Thus, highlighting the importance of the impact sustainable options may have on the food system.

Food Manufacturing in Canada: The Plant-Based Revolution

The thrilling Canadian food industry is the second largest manufacturing industry in Canada, worth CAN $117.8 billion, it accounts for over 17% of total manufacturing sales and over 2% of the GDP. It is also the largest manufacturing employer and employs 290,000 Canadians and foreigners. Due to its important role in the Canadian economy, how are faced today’s challenges such as global warming or plastic waste management, is the key to success in the world’s food industry and ensuring the life quality for future generations.