Is Spain on its way to becoming the new Saudi Arabia of green energy?

🌱Is Spain on its way to becoming the new Saudi Arabia of green energy?

Spain is leading the energy transition movement in Europe, but why?
🖊️Increasing importance of energy and climate change policies
☀️ More sunlight than any other EU member state (woohoo!😎)
🗺️ Strategic location for harnessing wind and hydropower

This means that there is a lot of untapped potential!😲⚡

Spain is aiming to achieve its target of 74% renewable electricity in 2030, which is impressive, considering the Netherlands are aiming for 70%!💪💯 Moreover, solar panel coverage ratio was only 0.9% and has gone to the current 4.5%, putting Spain in second place among EU countries where the most new solar panels are installed🎊

Intrigued to enter the Spanish market? Here are some general tips for success:
🚀Choose a region to start with
🚀Have patience
🚀Build personal relationships
🚀Hablar Español!

And finally, get in touch with us and our TRANSFER Barcelona office will help you out!


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